
Do you find the duality of my speech unsettling?
You should
It is intended to be
Unsettling as in uproot your flag and go
Every dropped G and missing copula is a riot
A struck match to log cabins and plantation houses
The “eloquence” you so often praise
Is a symptom of a virus carried on ships
Spread with the crack of whip and later a pen
Marks on the backs (and fronts) of college ruled paper
Any skill with the oppressors’ tool is a means of survival
Nothing more
My English, when “broken” is done so with care
It is reinvented in a laboratory producing verbal remedies so quickly you break your necks trying to keep up
Popping the words into your mouths as fast as you can
And when you spit them back out
They’ve soured
Yes, my “English” has been reimagined
Now incontainable by Oxford or Webster
Each linguistic leap lamenting:
My tongue does not serve you
I will not conjugate my soul